Thursday, September 28, 2006

Havoc in the Work Place

A jealousy has developed between J and the new engineer that started last week.

B, as I will call the new engineer, stopped in his tracks at our initial introduction, becoming somewhat tongue tied and awkward. Smiling, I shook his hand and welcomed him to the company.

He has been like fly paper from that day on.

His interest in me could not be more obvious, my cube mate has begun to tease me relentlessly about the conversations she has had the fortune to overhear.

*B was married and is now happily divorced for the past 7 years. In his opinion he is now more then ready for a woman and this time next year he will no longer be single.
*B has great respect for me because I'm a single mother making my way through life on my own. He has offered to come to my house and fix my TV antenna, loan me a movie about snowflakes and cedars, and sell anything I need selling on eBay.
*B has, on several occasions, taken extreme measures to tell me about how he participates in the Big Brother program and has a 14 year old boy that he mentors, and has mentored for the past 4 years.
*B has ensured me he lives in the nicest house on his road. He also mentioned one man lives in a barn with his chickens, 1 family lives in a trailer house that is constantly raided by the police, and the last man peeks in his windows to see what he is up to.
*B buys things at yard sales and sells them on eBay for thousands of dollars. He has also started to write a book entitled "The Next Big Find". Unable to contain my laughter at this admission, I was completely at a loss when he began talking about how we planned to take a chest on 'The Antiques Roadshow'.
*B has shot a gun into the air in his back yard to loosen snow on his metal roof, causing it to slide off.
*B watches Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, and Lost weekly, he can carry on the conversations to prove it as well.

So, as I have mentioned, J has become visibly jealous over the whole situation. On several occasions he has sent B off on a wild goose chase just to keep him occupied with something other then myself. He has also made his presence keenly obvious as well.

As unusual as this may sound, coming from me, I'm a little embarrassed about the attention it has drawn.

As you all well know, I prefer to operate in the back ground, mystery and secrecy motivating my actions.

This is a new one to me.

1 comment:

J R Estelle said...

Think you've met your match?