Friday, December 09, 2005

"I brought you some soup"

I was sleeping on the couch. (Actually, I think I may have been half dead.) I could hear something in my sleep, someone was tapping on something. With all my strength, I pried my eyes apart and forced myself to focus on the window directly across from me. It was R, with a brown paper bag in his hand. He was asking me through the window if he could come in. I tried to get up but I just didn't have any strength. Somehow I managed to nod my head, everything seemed to be going in slow motion.

"I brought you some soup honey girl," R whispered as he removed his shoes at the front door. My appearance was horrifying, I'm surprised he didn't run screaming. I had slept almost continuously for 3 days straight. My limp lifeless hair hung in clumps, my eyes were crusted with sleep, and I felt like I had just been pummeled by a steam roller. I don't know what possessed me, but I started to cry. I was just so miserable I wanted to die, and I was so happy to see him, words could not explain it. My husband didn't want me to be downstairs when they were home, he was afraid I would get everyone sick. R had been the first person who had wanted to see me, to see if I was ok. "Don't cry," he took his hand and placed it on my cheek.

"I'm just so happy to see you" I barely got the words out before I began coughing.

"You just lay there and rest. I'm not going anywhere for a bit. I brought my planner," he already had it open and pulled his blackberry out. Leaning back, I closed my eyes and listened to him. At some point I drifted off again. I didn't even hear R leave. I wish I had, I didn't even get to thank him for the visit.

1 comment:

Woman with a Secret said...

I have been thinking that very same thing myself sweetmiss.

I love chicken soup too. :D